Does he killed and ate his sibling?

Does he killed and ate his sibling?

This image has haunted me since I first saw it in my studies of Marxist Socialist Reconstructionism.

This boy was a victim of the Soviet Holodomor in Ukraine — the devastating man-made famine directly caused by government “re-distribution” policies. This is the face of starvation. Starvation in a year that was reported as a year of good harvests — except the Soviets would swoop in and make off with all “the people’s grain”. Parents who tried to find enough waste grain dropped in the fields or along roadways to feed their children were arrested, perhaps tortured in front of their children before being shipped off to the Gulag Archipelago to likely never be seen again — for the crime of defying the edicts of the Supreme Soviet.

The best information I have found to date is that this was Ilario Nyshchenko, a resident of a small farming community, taken at some point after consuming his younger brother in a desperate attempt to stay alive. I’ve found no records indicating what exactly happened, but it’s likely a younger sibling would have succumbed to starvation sooner; and I found nothing indicating whether this cannibalism was a parent-sanctioned activity or not.

This photo was found in an archive that showed street booths that were selling human body parts for food. But if you have no grain to sell, where do you get the money to buy a human arm or leg to feed your children??

My sole purpose in sharing this image is to remind people that this is the face of particularly Marxist Reconstructionist Socialism. The idea of re-distributing wealth sounds good on paper. It sounds good to the emotions, and particularly to the feminine.

But such a feat of re-distribution ultimately requires a grossly over-empowered government with totalitarian power that cannot be crossed upon fear of frightful penalty.

Why else would people not rise up when faced with the situation referred to above?


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